You know sometimes the units keep shooting when entangled by forester's ranger's tower. I am really trying my best for source code. I am enjoying the game. syn what about to start a forum to make campaigns by editor. Limitation is compulsory as you said that game never supported many hard bots with a huge map with too many colonies so like this the heroes health will go to 1000000 or the game will crash.
How do you get too many bugs.
Resecurrated units should not be able to reresecurrated.( enemy would never die else)
Empath's fever disintegration ability only harms enemies. ( effect on friendly units after sacrificing a unit is horrible)
I guess you should also add some HP to elves atleast 500. they should also rise to power only battle angel with guardian spirit and lightining shield can capture an elf colony.
spring of life only works thrice after that it will work only when 4 elven archers and 2 goat riders are killed by the enemy. ( you could get a huge army by this = CRASH )
double kill bug (paladins deathblow/angels storm) it must not kill immortality ! (horrible horrible bug how could we possibly skip this one\\ horrible!.
My reason for not being able to complete the human mission 7
5) Ranged units do additional damage vs dragons
I guess it is reasonable as red dragons deal splash damage and have good amount of HP and can't be attacked by land melee fighters.
-ranged units doing more damage vs air units how about making stunt to not work vs air units and such..
What stunt
And syn about the source code I just checked it and here is what Augille said-
"Hi both of you
1. I am not an Haemimont employee...just the moderator.
2. Haemimont Game's staff doesn't have time to check the forums...they are working hard to produce new games (Tropico 4 and First Templar). It's a lot of pressure and not much money. If they could help they would.
3. They don't own most of their games. They made a contract and so forth. So they cannot just give the source code for the games. The company owning these could but it's very very seldom done (i am active in many games forums since 2000).
4. I will send an email to my contact from Haemimont (he's a programmer but he's not part of the management) to see if he can do something about it.
5. Please remain calm.
6. I have the french version of RK installed. Do you think i can install your patch on it?
Thanks and Cheers
I hope that I get that soon for you!
If you had seen how i started my topic here is how I started my topic-
"Hello can anyone of you all even bother to give the SOURCE CODE the game will be much better can't you all see the hard work of syn see how better is the v1.35 from the game you all created. you all should atleast give me the source code if you don't have time for RK and leave it to them as they are MUCH better than you. Poor syn has tried from 2009 to get the source code. See that an outsider without the source code has made game much better atleast for god's sake spen only 25 seconds of your life to give the source code. Be a helper to make the game's popularity much more . I request you and please for god's sake give the source code
Augille 2 If you could please help
Best regards
I was really angry at that time that how they left the game.
Just come once in multiplayer after finishing 1.36 and we will have a good match watch out for vijju123
you can play custom>LAN form use game ranger,or hamachi
Can you please explain syn? and how to do it?
Best regards
Added (09.04.2011, 12:51)
Syn I think that you did a mistake asking only by haemoint games. You should had asked Black Bean games at the same time. for the source code. well Still i will try my best for the source code
Added (11.04.2011, 16:41)
I am now trying at blackbeans for the code